Monday, June 28, 2010

Last Week

Just got back from a week in Gunnison Colorado running sound for a junior high youth camp called the Great Escape. 400 junior high kids from all over the country. It was a good week working with some great people. Spent a couple of afternoons way up in the high country above Crested Butte and it was gorgeous. The runoff from all the snow was making magnificent waterfalls everywhere. Here is some video I shot.

This waterfall was well over 500 feet tall. It was amazing. It was good to get up to the mountains as I don't do it as much as I should. I love the beauty and creativity of God's Creation. He is really amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way cool video especially when you know that it would only last like that for such a short time... kind of like the note i wrote before this one that got deleted in the process of trying to send it... ugh blogging :)